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Yeni program: Brainless 20080505 sınama sonuçları - Baskı Önizleme

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Yeni program: Brainless 20080505 sınama sonuçları - Harun Taner - 05-05-2008

[code] Engine Score Br
01: Brainless 20080505 5.5/20 ··
02: NagaSkaki 5.1 2.0/2 11
02: ZCT 0.3.2443 JA 2.0/2 11
02: Gerbil 0.2 2.0/2 11
02: Wing 2.0a HUGE 2.0/2 11
02: Butcher 1.58 2.0/2 11
07: BSC 3.0 1.5/2 =1
08: Uralochka 1.0b 1.0/2 ==
08: Warrior 1.0.3 1.0/2 10
10: Zzzzzz 3.4.1 JA 0.5/2 =0
10: BikJump 1.61 0.5/2 =0

20 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET17SSiSS66w6
Site/ Country: SSiSS, Antalya, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]