Sınama turnuvası 5
[code] Engine Score Gu Gu Kn Fr Kn Fr Fr Sj Sj Bu Av Bu Bu Bu FS FS Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne Ne Gr Gr S-B
01: Gull 10 w 45.0/46 ·· == 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 969,50
02: Gull 10 44.5/46 == ·· 11 11 1= 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 952,00
03: Knockout 0.7.1 w 39.0/46 00 00 ·· 1= == =1 11 11 01 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 740,75
04: Frank Walter 1.08 JA w 36.5/46 00 00 0= ·· 1= == == =0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 651,75
05: Knockout 0.7.0 w 36.0/46 00 0= == 0= ·· =0 0= =1 1= 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 639,25
06: Frank Walter 1.07 w 36.0/46 00 00 =0 == =1 ·· == 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 635,50
07: Frank Walter 1.08 w 36.0/46 00 00 00 == 1= == ·· == 1= 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 633,00
08: Sjakk 1.1.4 w 34.5/46 00 00 00 =1 =0 01 == ·· == 11 =1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 589,00
09: Sjakk 1.1.5 w 34.0/46 00 00 10 00 0= 01 0= == ·· 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 566,50
10: Butterfly 033 21.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ·· 11 == == == 11 == =0 1= 1= 11 11 11 11 11 265,50
11: Avi 0.9b w 21.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =0 00 00 ·· 10 01 1= 10 =1 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 260,50
12: Butterfly 032 w 20.0/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 == 01 ·· == == =1 =1 =1 1= == 11 =1 11 1= 11 249,50
13: Butterfly 033 w 20.0/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 == 10 == ·· == 1= 11 =1 == =0 11 11 =1 11 11 248,50
14: Butterfly 032 20.0/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 == 0= == == ·· 01 == == 11 11 1= 11 11 11 11 232,00
15: FSharp 0.196 w 17.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 =0 0= 10 ·· == 11 01 1= 11 11 11 11 01 202,75
16: FSharp 0.197 w 16.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 == =0 =0 00 == == ·· =1 == 11 11 == == 11 11 190,75
17: Jak 1.02 16.0/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =1 01 =0 =0 == 00 =0 ·· == 11 == 11 11 01 11 188,00
18: Jak 1.02 w 13.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0= 00 0= == 00 10 == == ·· 1= 00 11 11 11 01 149,00
19: Neurone 3 w 10.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0= 00 == =1 00 0= 00 00 0= ·· == == == 11 =1 116,50
20: Neurone 3 10.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0= 00 00 == 11 == ·· == == 11 11 95,00
21: Neurone 2 w 7.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =0 00 00 00 == 00 00 == == ·· == 01 11 66,50
22: Neurone 2 7.0/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =0 00 00 == 00 00 == == == ·· 0= 11 64,50
23: Gray Matter 15.69 w 5.0/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0= 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 1= ·· == 47,50
24: Gray Matter 15.72 3.5/46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 =0 00 00 00 == ·· 41,25

552 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2767a
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2767a CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
1 Gull 10 1800 +951 ** 11 11 1½ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 1 41.5/42
2 Gull 10 w 1800 +993 ** 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 37.0/37 674.50
3 Knockout 0.7.1 w 1800 +501 00 00 ** ½1 01 1½ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 37.0/43 513.75
4 Frank Walter 1.07 w 1800 +433 00 00 ½0 ** ½1 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 32.0/40
5 Knockout 0.7.0 w 1800 +403 0½ 00 ½0 ** 1½ 0½ ½1 0½ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 30.0/39 420.25
6 Sjakk 1.1.5 w 2156 -34 00 00 10 01 0½ ** 00 0½ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 30.0/41 373.00
7 Frank Walter 1.08 JA w 1800 +442 00 00 0½ 1½ 11 ** ½0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 29.5/37
8 Sjakk 1.1.4 w 2156 -32 00 00 00 01 ½0 ½1 ** ½½ ½1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 28.5/39
9 Frank Walter 1.08 w 1800 +420 00 00 00 1½ 1½ ½½ ** 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 28.0/36
10 Avi 0.9b w 2200 -315 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ½0 00 ** 10 1½ 00 ½1 01 0 10 1 11 11 11 11 1 16.5/41
11 Butterfly 032 w 2200 -347 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ** ½1 ½1 ½1 1½ ½½ 11 11 1½ ½ 1 15.0/38 112.50
12 Butterfly 032 2200 -347 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0½ ** ½½ ½½ 01 11 11 1½ 1 11 11 1 15.0/38 97.50
13 Butterfly 033 2200 -348 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 ** ½½ ½0 11 1½ 1½ 11 11 1 1 14.5/36
14 FSharp 0.197 w 2150 -329 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ½0 ½0 ½½ ½½ ** 00 ½1 ½½ 11 11 ½½ 1 ½½ 1 13.5/42
15 Butterfly 033 w 2200 -379 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 11 ** ½1 1½ ½½ ½0 11 ½1 1 1 13.0/36 109.00
16 Jak 1.02 2000 -159 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 ½0 ½½ ½1 ½0 ½0 ** 00 11 ½½ 11 11 1 13.0/39 103.00
17 FSharp 0.196 w 2145 -355 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ½0 10 00 0½ 11 ** 01 1½ 11 9.5/36 99.75
18 Jak 1.02 w 2000 -224 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0½ 00 0½ ½½ ½½ 10 ** 1½ 00 11 1 1 9.5/38 72.00
19 Neurone 3 w 1750 -15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ½½ 00 0½ 00 ½1 00 0½ 0½ ** 11 ½ 6.5/39
20 Neurone 3 1750 -80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0½ 00 00 00 ½½ 00 11 ** 1 4.5/37
21 Neurone 2 1750 -129 00 0 00 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 00 ½½ ½0 00 00 ** 0½ 1 3.0/33 22.00
22 Gray Matter 15.69 w 2050 -420 0 00 00 0 0½ 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 1½ ** 10 3.0/21 14.50
23 Neurone 2 w 1750 -121 00 0 00 00 0 00 0 0 00 ½ 00 0 ½½ 0 00 0 01 ** 2.5/26
24 Gray Matter 15.72 2050 -657 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 ** 0.5/12

IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score Za St Th Br Gl Pr Pr Ko S-B
1: Zappa MX 3 21.0/28 ···· 0=11 0111 0011 =1=1 1=01 1111 1111 264,00
2: Stockfish 1.6.2 DC 1cpu 16.5/28 1=00 ···· =11= 0011 0==1 1110 10=1 10=1 219,00
3: Thinker 5.3Bi 4cpu 16.5/28 1000 =00= ···· 11=1 1111 10=0 011= 1110 206,25
4: Bright 0.4a w 13.5/28 1100 1100 00=0 ···· 010= 011= 1000 1111 172,50
5: Glaurung 2.2 JA 13.0/28 =0=0 1==0 0000 101= ···· =1=1 001= 0111 163,50
6: Protector 1.3.2 4cpu 12.5/28 0=10 0001 01=1 100= =0=0 ···· ==== 1101 167,00
7: Protector 1.3.5 4cpu 12.5/28 0000 01=0 100= 0111 110= ==== ···· 0101 160,50
8: Komodo 1.1 6.5/28 0000 01=0 0001 0000 1000 0010 1010 ···· 91,75

112 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2768a
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2768a CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Zappa MX 3 3045 +163 **** 0½½1 0011 0111 ½1½1 1111 1½01 1111 20.5/28
2 Stockfish 1.6.2 DC 1cpu 3050 +127 1½½0 **** 0½11 111½ 0½½1 10½1 111½ 11½1 19.5/28
3 Bright 0.4a w 3045 +1 1100 1½00 **** ½0½½ 01½½ ½½11 011½ 1001 14.5/28
4 Thinker 5.3Bi 4cpu 3040 -29 1000 000½ ½1½½ **** ½111 ½1½0 10½0 01½½ 13.0/28
5 Glaurung 2.2 JA 3035 -49 ½0½0 1½½0 10½½ ½000 **** 0½1½ ½1½1 001½ 12.0/28
6 Komodo 1.1 3020 -44 0000 01½0 ½½00 ½0½1 1½0½ **** 1010 ½11½ 11.5/28
7 Protector 1.3.2 4cpu 3035 -84 0½10 000½ 100½ 01½1 ½0½0 0101 **** 9.0/24
8 Protector 1.3.5 4cpu 3015 -96 0000 00½0 0110 10½½ 110½ ½00½ **** 8.0/24[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score Gu
01: Gull 10 16.0/48 ····
02: Stockfish 1.4 JA 2cpu 4.0/4 1111
02: Hiarcs 13.1 1cpu w 4.0/4 1111
04: Grapefruit 1.0 NC I 3.5/4 =111
05: Sjeng 3.0 4cpu 3.0/4 1011
05: Rybka 3 2cpu w 3.0/4 1110
05: Naum 2.2.0 2cpu 3.0/4 =1=1
08: Onno 1.2.7 4cpu 2.5/4 110=
08: Junior 2010 4cpu 2.5/4 =011
08: Komodo 1.2 2.5/4 01=1
11: Spark 0.3 vc 1.5/4 0===
11: Ktulu 9.0 w 1.5/4 01=0
13: Protector 1.3.5 4cpu 1.0/4 0100

48 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2769a
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2769a CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
1 Gull 10 3000 -104 **** 0000 0000 ½000 0001 0100 ½0½0 001½ 10½0 ½100 1½½½ 10½1 1011 16.0/48
2 Stockfish 1.4 JA 2cpu 3115 +685 1111 **** 4.0/4 64.00
3 Hiarcs 13.1 1cpu w 3040 +760 1111 **** 4.0/4 64.00
4 Grapefruit 1.0 NC I 2960 +378 ½111 **** 3.5/4
5 Rybka 3 2cpu w 3100 +90 1110 **** 3.0/4 48.00
6 Sjeng 3.0 4cpu 3000 +190 1011 **** 3.0/4 48.00
7 Naum 2.2.0 2cpu 2945 +245 ½1½1 **** 3.0/4 48.00
8 Onno 1.2.7 4cpu 3080 +8 110½ **** 2.5/4 40.00
9 Komodo 1.2 3075 +13 01½1 **** 2.5/4 40.00
10 Junior 2010 4cpu 2950 +138 ½011 **** 2.5/4 40.00
11 Spark 0.3 vc 2985 -73 0½½½ **** 1.5/4 24.00
12 Ktulu 9.0 w 2930 -18 01½0 **** 1.5/4 24.00
13 Protector 1.3.5 4cpu 3015 -205 0100 **** 1.0/4[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score On Pr Do To Na Ch Gu Fr S-B
1: Onno 1.2.2 2cpu 19.5/28 ···· 01=1 111= =1== 0110 =1=0 111= 11=1 250,50
2: Protector 1.3.4 2cpu JA 19.0/28 10=0 ···· 01=1 1=11 1110 1101 ==01 11=1 243,75
3: Doch 0.9.98 JA 16.0/28 000= 10=0 ···· 1011 1=11 110= 1=1= 0=1= 204,00
4: TogaII 3.1.3- SE 4cpu w 14.5/28 =0== 0=00 0100 ···· ==01 =110 1111 1=1= 172,50
5: Naum 2.2.0 2cpu 14.0/28 1001 0001 0=00 ==10 ···· 1=00 11=1 1=11 171,50
6: Chronos 1.9.9 w 12.5/28 =0=1 0010 001= =001 0=11 ···· 1=== 10=0 172,50
7: Gull 10 w 9.0/28 000= ==10 0=0= 0000 00=0 0=== ···· =111 115,75
8: Fruit 2.2 051103 w 7.5/28 00=0 00=0 1=0= 0=0= 0=00 01=1 =000 ···· 108,50

112 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2770a
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2770a CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Protector 1.3.4 2cpu JA 2955 +114 **** 1½½0 01½1 1½11 1110 1101 11½1 ½½01 19.5/28
2 Onno 1.2.2 2cpu 2945 +111 0½½1 **** 111½ ½1½½ 0110 ½1½0 11½1 111½ 19.0/28
3 Doch 0.9.98 JA 2940 +37 10½0 000½ **** 1011 1½11 110½ 0½1½ 1½1½ 16.0/28
4 TogaII 3.1.3- SE 4cpu w 2920 +23 0½00 ½0½½ 0100 **** ½½01 ½110 1½1½ 1111 14.5/28
5 Naum 2.2.0 2cpu 2945 -42 0001 1001 0½00 ½½10 **** 1½00 1½½½ 11½1 13.0/28
6 Chronos 1.9.9 w 2905 -22 0010 ½0½1 001½ ½001 0½11 **** ½0½0 1½½½ 12.0/28
7 Fruit 2.2 051103 w 2900 -68 00½0 00½0 1½0½ 0½0½ 0½½½ ½1½1 **** ½½0½ 10.0/28
8 Gull 10 w 2925 -154 ½½10 000½ 0½0½ 0000 00½0 0½½½ ½½1½ **** 8.0/28[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score Fr Sj De Cy Cy Ci Sl He S-B
1: Frenzee 0610 w 15.0/24 ···· 01=1 =01 01= =01 110= 1== 111= 166,00
2: Sjeng 2.5 w 14.0/24 10=0 ···· 1=0 ==01 ==1 111 0110 101 160,00
3: Delfi 5.3 1cpu w 14.0/24 =10 0=1 ···· 1=0= 01== 0011 =11 1=1 158,25
4: Cyrano 0.6b17 JA w 12.5/24 10= ==10 0=1= ···· 01= 10= =0== 11= 146,75
5: Cyclone 2.3 2cpu 12.5/24 =10 ==0 10== 10= ···· 01= =11= 1=0= 144,00
6: Cito 1.5.0 w 10.5/24 001= 000 1100 01= 10= ···· 101 01== 123,00
7: Sloppy 0.2.0 JA ap2t w 10.0/24 0== 1001 =00 =1== =00= 010 ···· ==1 119,25
8: Hermann 2.3 4cpu w 7.5/24 000= 010 0=0 00= 0=1= 10== ==0 ···· 90,75

96 of 112 games played
Name of the tournament: CET2771a
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2771a CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Frenzee 0610 w 2765 +52 **** ½01 01½1 01½ ½01 110½ 1½½ 111½ ½ 15.5/25
2 Delfi 5.3 1cpu w 2750 +56 ½10 **** 0½1 1½0½ 01½½ 0011 ½11 1½1 1 15.0/25
3 Sjeng 2.5 w 2710 +75 10½0 1½0 **** ½½01 ½½1 111 0110 101 0 14.0/25
4 Cyrano 0.6b17 JA w 2740 -1 10½ 0½1½ ½½10 **** 01½ 10½ ½0½½ 11½ 0 12.5/25 150.25
5 Cyclone 2.3 2cpu 2755 -3 ½10 10½½ ½½0 10½ **** 01½ ½11½ 1½0½ 12.5/24 148.25
6 Cito 1.5.0 w 2705 -4 001½ 1100 000 01½ 10½ **** 101 01½½ 10.5/24 126.75
7 Sloppy 0.2.0 JA ap2t w 2760 -80 0½½ ½00 1001 ½1½½ ½00½ 010 **** ½½1 ½ 10.5/25 121.75
8 Hermann 2.3 4cpu w 2725 -121 000½ 0½0 010 00½ 0½1½ 10½½ ½½0 **** 7.5/24
9 Crafty 22.1 3cpu JA w 2730 +85 ½ 0 1 1 ½ **** 3.0/5[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score Ch Di Ha Da Bu Ty Da He S-B
1: Chronos 1.9.8 w 23.0/28 ···· 1==1 011= 111= 11=1 1111 1=== 1111 285,50
2: Dirty 0.99z22 w 0606 16.5/28 0==0 ···· =0=1 1==0 1=0= 1111 0=10 1111 199,00
3: Hamsters 0.7.1 2cpu w 15.0/28 100= =1=0 ···· 0=10 0=00 =111 11== 1==1 193,00
4: Dana 4.4.5 w 14.0/28 000= 0==1 1=01 ···· 1==1 =000 =1== 1011 174,00
5: Bug2 1.5.2 w 13.0/28 00=0 0=1= 1=11 0==0 ···· 1=00 0==1 10=1 168,25
6: Typhoon 100r358 JA 2cpu w 13.0/28 0000 0000 =000 =111 0=11 ···· 11=1 0111 147,50
7: Dana 3.9.7 w 12.0/28 0=== 1=01 00== =0== 1==0 00=0 ···· 11== 160,75
8: Hermann 2.4 1cpu 5.5/28 0000 0000 0==0 0100 01=0 1000 00== ···· 73,50

112 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2772a
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2772a CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Chronos 1.9.8 w 2680 +226 **** 1½½1 011½ 111½ 11½1 1111 1½½½ 1111 23.0/28
2 Dirty 0.99z22 w 0606 2645 +64 0½½0 **** ½0½1 1½½0 1½0½ 1111 0½10 1111 16.5/28
3 Hamsters 0.7.1 2cpu w 2645 +26 100½ ½1½0 **** 0½10 0½00 ½111 11½½ 1½½1 15.0/28
4 Dana 4.4.5 w 2615 +35 000½ 0½½1 1½01 **** 1½½1 ½000 ½1½½ 1011 14.0/28
5 Bug2 1.5.2 w 2650 -29 00½0 0½1½ 1½11 0½½0 **** 1½00 0½½1 10½1 13.0/28 168.25
6 Typhoon 100r358 JA 2cpu w 2640 -17 0000 0000 ½000 ½111 0½11 **** 11½1 0111 13.0/28 147.50
7 Dana 3.9.7 w 2645 -48 0½½½ 1½01 00½½ ½0½½ 1½½0 00½0 **** 11½½ 12.0/28
8 Hermann 2.4 1cpu 2650 -249 0000 0000 0½½0 0100 01½0 1000 00½½ **** 5.5/28[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score CyChToXyGlShStSp S-B
1: Cyclone 1.0b 1cpu w 0.0/0 · 0,00
1: Chronos 1.9.9 0.0/0 · 0,00
1: TogaII 1.4b 5d CMLX DC 1cpu 0.0/0 · 0,00
1: Xyclops 1.2 w 0.0/0 · 0,00
1: Glaurung 080921C w 0.0/0 · 0,00
1: Shredder 12 1cpu w 0.0/0 · 0,00
1: Stockfish 1.1 DM 2cpu 0.0/0 · 0,00
1: Spark 0.4i 0.0/0 · 0,00

0 of 112 games played
Name of the tournament: CET2773a
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score Sp Sh Gl Ch St Cy Xy To S-B
1: Spark 0.4i 19.5/28 ···· 01=1 1001 =1== 0111 11=1 =01= 1111 251,25
2: Shredder 12 1cpu w 15.5/28 10=0 ···· ==1= =100 =1=0 =01= 111= 110= 205,75
3: Glaurung 080921C w 14.5/28 0110 ==0= ···· =11= 0==1 =011 0=11 0010 205,00
4: Chronos 1.9.9 14.5/28 =0== =011 =00= ···· 0=1= 111= ==11 0100 200,25
5: Stockfish 1.1 DM 2cpu 14.5/28 1000 =0=1 1==0 1=0= ···· 0=00 11== 1111 186,75
6: Cyclone 1.0b 1cpu w 12.5/28 00=0 =10= =100 000= 1=11 ···· 0110 =101 167,00
7: Xyclops 1.2 w 12.0/28 =10= 000= 1=00 ==00 00== 1001 ···· 1111 158,50
8: TogaII 1.4b 5d CMLX DC 1cpu 9.0/28 0000 001= 1101 1011 0000 =010 0000 ···· 129,00

112 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2773a
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2773a CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Spark 0.4i 3070 +31 **** 01½1 1001 ½1½½ 0111 11½1 ½01½ 1111 19.5/28
2 Shredder 12 1cpu w 3050 -52 10½0 **** ½½1½ ½100 ½1½0 ½01½ 111½ 110½ 15.5/28
3 Glaurung 080921C w 2988 -7 0110 ½½0½ **** ½11½ 0½½1 ½011 0½11 0010 14.5/28 205.00
4 Chronos 1.9.9 2900 +93 ½0½½ ½011 ½00½ **** 0½1½ 111½ ½½11 0100 14.5/28 200.25
5 Stockfish 1.1 DM 2cpu 3055 -83 1000 ½0½1 1½½0 1½0½ **** 0½00 11½½ 1111 14.5/28 186.75
6 Cyclone 1.0b 1cpu w 2870 +78 00½0 ½10½ ½100 000½ 1½11 **** 0110 ½101 12.5/28
7 Xyclops 1.2 w 2927 0 ½10½ 000½ 1½00 ½½00 00½½ 1001 **** 1111 12.0/28
8 TogaII 1.4b 5d CMLX DC 1cpu 2908 -57 0000 001½ 1101 1011 0000 ½010 0000 **** 9.0/28
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score Ch Ch Ro Cp Al Cp Da Sm Ar Fi S-B
01: Chaturanga 2.3.5 w 13.5/18 ·· 10 01 11 1= =1 10 11 11 1= 110,75
02: Chesley r316 JA w 11.5/18 01 ·· 01 00 11 11 11 1= 01 10 98,50
03: Rooster 1.3 w 11.0/18 10 10 ·· 10 =0 01 10 =1 11 11 88,50
04: Cpw 050908 JA w 10.0/18 00 11 01 ·· 0= == =0 11 11 10 82,25
05: Alex 1.9.4 w 9.0/18 0= 00 =1 1= ·· 10 10 10 0= 11 74,75
06: Cpw 070808 JA w 9.0/18 =0 00 10 == 01 ·· 11 10 =0 11 72,75
07: Dancing Dragon 2cpu w 8.5/18 01 00 01 =1 01 00 ·· =0 1= 11 70,00
08: Smirf ms172b w 7.0/18 00 0= =0 00 01 01 =1 ·· =1 10 55,50
09: Arabian Knight 1.09 w 6.0/18 00 10 00 00 1= =1 0= =0 ·· 01 50,75
10: FireFly 2.5.2 w 4.5/18 0= 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 10 ·· 41,25

90 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2737c
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2737c CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 Chaturanga 2.3.5 w 2410 +189 ** 10 01 11 1½ 10 ½1 11 11 1½ 13.5/18
2 Chesley r316 JA w 2400 +108 01 ** 01 00 11 11 11 1½ 01 10 11.5/18
3 Rooster 1.3 w 2410 +76 10 10 ** 10 ½0 10 01 ½1 11 11 11.0/18
4 Cpw 050908 JA w 2410 +43 00 11 01 ** 0½ ½0 11 11 10 9.0/16 73.25
5 Alex 1.9.4 w 2415 -7 0½ 00 ½1 1½ ** 10 10 10 0½ 11 9.0/18 72.25
6 Dancing Dragon 2cpu w 2415 -26 01 00 01 ½1 01 ** 00 ½0 1½ 11 8.5/18
7 Cpw 070808 JA w 2400 +9 ½0 00 10 01 11 ** 10 ½0 11 8.0/16
8 Smirf ms172b w 2405 -74 00 0½ ½0 00 01 ½1 01 ** ½1 10 7.0/18
9 Arabian Knight 1.09 w 2410 -122 00 10 00 00 1½ 0½ ½1 ½0 ** 01 6.0/18
10 FireFly 2.5.2 w 2410 -192 0½ 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 10 ** 4.5/18[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score Am Ph Be Ch KM Sm Ch Be Al Gl S-B
01: Amundsen 0.70 JA w 15.5/18 ·· 11 11 11 11 01 0= 11 11 11 128,00
02: Philou 2.0.0 w 13.0/18 00 ·· 0= =0 11 11 11 11 11 11 89,25
03: Bestia 0.90 w 11.5/18 00 1= ·· 11 01 10 1= 1= 01 11 89,75
04: Chaturanga 2.3.3 nb w 11.0/18 00 =1 00 ·· 01 1= == 11 11 11 74,00
05: KMT 1.0.0 w 11.0/18 00 00 10 10 ·· 11 10 11 11 11 70,50
06: Smirf ms173g w 9.0/18 10 00 01 0= 00 ·· 01 11 =1 11 61,25
07: Chaturanga 2.3.3 w 8.0/18 1= 00 0= == 01 10 ·· 00 11 01 67,00
08: Beaches 2.32 w 6.5/18 00 00 0= 00 00 00 11 ·· 11 11 30,75
09: Ali 4.21 w 2.5/18 00 00 10 00 00 =0 00 00 ·· 01 18,00
10: Glass 0.1a w 2.0/18 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 10 ·· 10,50

90 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2738c
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code]CET2738c CET_Antalya_TUR 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 Amundsen 0.70 JA w 2335 +280 ** 11 11 11 11 01 0½ 11 11 11 15.5/18
2 Philou 2.0.0 w 2300 +168 00 ** 0½ 11 ½0 11 11 11 11 11 13.0/18
3 Bestia 0.90 w 2305 +96 00 1½ ** 01 11 10 1½ 1½ 01 11 11.5/18
4 KMT 1.0.0 w 2300 +81 00 00 10 ** 10 11 10 11 11 11 11.0/18
5 Chaturanga 2.3.3 nb w 2275 +114 00 ½1 00 01 ** 1½ 11 11 11 10.0/16
6 Smirf ms173g w 2285 +19 10 00 01 00 0½ ** 01 11 ½1 11 9.0/18
7 Chaturanga 2.3.3 w 2340 -82 1½ 00 0½ 01 10 ** 00 11 01 7.0/16
8 Beaches 2.32 w 2275 -68 00 00 0½ 00 00 00 11 ** 11 11 6.5/18
9 Ali 4.21 w 2310 -325 00 00 10 00 00 ½0 00 00 ** 01 2.5/18
10 Glass 0.1a w 2300 -358 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 10 ** 2.0/18[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT
[code] Engine Score Ra Ch Cy Ad At Al Sl Bu Br Ro S-B
01: Rattate 1.0 w 13.0/18 ·· 11 11 == 11 11 11 =1 =0 00 121,50
02: Chaturanga 2.4.0 w 12.0/18 00 ·· 00 11 11 01 11 11 10 11 93,50
03: Cyrano 0.1f w 11.0/18 00 11 ·· 01 01 01 10 11 11 01 90,00
04: Adam 3.2 w 11.0/18 == 00 10 ·· 01 11 11 01 01 11 88,00
05: Atak 6.2 w 10.0/18 00 00 10 10 ·· 10 11 10 11 11 72,50
06: Alex 2.0.3 w 9.0/18 00 10 10 00 01 ·· 10 10 11 11 67,50
07: Slibo 0.51 JA w 7.0/18 00 00 01 00 00 01 ·· 10 11 11 47,50
08: Butcher 1.60n1 w 6.5/18 =0 00 00 10 01 01 01 ·· 10 01 54,00
09: Brainless 081212 w 5.5/18 =1 01 00 10 00 00 00 01 ·· 01 54,00
10: Rooster 1.2 w 5.0/18 11 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 10 ·· 49,00

90 games played / Tournament finished
Name of the tournament: CET2739c
Site/ Country: CET_Antalya_TUR, Türkiye
Level: Blitz 1/1[/code]
IECC 2246, MAPEJK 2300, DESC 2213
Best regards, iyi günler, mfSG, HT

Konuyu Okuyanlar: 9 Ziyaretçi